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Funded Research Projects

Education and Lifelong Learning - Students' Practice Placement. Co-Funded by the European Union and National funds (Greece).

The total amount of funding 15,430.00 € - I was the Scientific Lead for the Department of Nursing (start date: 14/04/2013 - end date 31/10/2015).

Education and Lifelong Learning - Students' Practice Placement. Co-Funded by the European Union and National funds (Greece).

The total amount of funding 3,120.00 € -  I was the Scientific Lead for the Department of Nursing (start date: 01/10/2010 - end date 31/08/2012).

Exploring Instructor understanding and conceptualisation of criticality: what it is and how to develop it within students. Funded by the University of Liverpool/ Laureate Online Education Science.

The total amount of funding was 5,000.00 €. I was the Principle Investigator of the project (start date: 15/06/2012 - end date 15/06/2013).

A review on the ten top general nursing journals regarding the type of papers published, the clinical issues raised and the methods applied. Funded by the European Academy of Nursing Science.

The total amount of funding was 1,500.00€, I was the Principle Investigator of the project (start date: 25/10/2007 - end date 29/02/2008).

Education and Lifelong Learning - Open academic modules II for T.E.I. of Epirus. Co-Funded by the European Union and National funds (Greece).

The total amount of funding was 1,822.50 €, I was Scientific Lead for the Department of Nursing (start date: 02/07/2015 - end date 30/09/2015).

Education and Lifelong Learning - Patient psychology (PEGA). Co-Funded by the European Union and National funds (Greece).

The total amount of funding for my work was 1,822.50 € (start date: 18/06/2014 - end date 31/10/2015).

Education and Lifelong Learning - Quality Assurance for T.E.I. of Epirus. Co-Funded by the European Union and National funds (Greece).

The total amount of funding was 1,200.00 €. I was Scientific Lead for the Department of Nursing (start date: 22/11/2011 - end date 31/10/2015).

Education and Lifelong Learning - Interconnecting the T.E.I. of Epirus. Co-Funded by the European Union and National funds (Greece).

The total amount of funding was 900.00 €. I was the Scientific Lead for the Department of Nursing (start date: 16/07/2013 - end date 28/082/2014).

Education and Lifelong Learning - Education for Social care professionals in relation to consulting skills and reinforcement of Professional identity (PEGA). Co-Funded by the European Union and National funds (Greece).

The total amount of funding for my work was 659.72 € (start date: 02/06/2014 - end date 30/09/2015).

Education and Lifelong Learning - Open academic modules for T.E.I. of Epirus. Co-Funded by the European Union and National funds (Greece).

The total amount of funding for my work was 894.40€ (start date: 19/01/2015 - end date 30/11/2015).

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